Whats your favourite Theremin Oscillator? and Other Popular Questions...
It seemed like that whole way a Theremin behaves - instantly, sensitively, mysteriously over space, etc, would be a good thing for...

Fixing it all with string and sticky tape
There's a huge variety of amazingly powerful and super low cost devices available these days. Very capable single board computers, highly...

(almost) All About the Bass - pt. 2
...The previous post gave a way to study low frequencies. Now here's some handy practical consequences. Two plugins with a total of zero...

Classic Compression (also...)
Recent projects at Pokey Sticks have needed a big twist of the Feisty, Phat, Classic dial. Several interesting Technological Things have...

A very nice new limiter!
I recently realised that my favourite mastering limiter, apart from the obvious effects of compression also took away a little bit of...

Little Robot Arms
As part of a project, I found I needed to control the strings of a guitar with actual little robot mechanisms. For the benefit of those...

Binaural Recording Techniques
At first recording binaurally seemed a bit exotic but now it's my go-to choice for a lot of stuff! The principal is simple. Normally, a...